Welcome to Ms Maria's Magic Resources Box. Creativity is the key. Here you can find anything you might looking for: Visual Arts and Design Technology (some would be suitable for Science) teaching resources for any Curriculum and framework # UK # International # IB PYP#IB MYP #IB DP and many more adjustable to your taste and needs.
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Welcome to Ms Maria's Magic Resources Box. Creativity is the key. Here you can find anything you might looking for: Visual Arts and Design Technology (some would be suitable for Science) teaching resources for any Curriculum and framework # UK # International # IB PYP#IB MYP #IB DP and many more adjustable to your taste and needs.
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KS 3 project build up on cultural diversity and identity of Roma/Gypsy people. A range of different activities through the project will allow pupils to understand the history of the Gypsy people origin and its culture.
To Investigate the playing cards design developments though time and to design and make the card based on your own identity. Make your own magic spell..!
Visual Arts or Design Technology mini project: Self-quarantine time is boring, the virus is frightening, now it is a time to have fun and create amusing homemade mask.
This mini project was successfully run in China during Corona virus outbreak, as a part of online learning. You can adapt this simple instructions for your needs.
Your task and aims: Produce an amusing homemade mask by using any materials and media, and by creating a realistic reflection of 2019-nCoV current outbreak through any form of illustration, 2D and 3D effects, covering most details within the pastime. Go, WuHan, we will fight through this together! You can show in your work doctors in protection suits, the hospital equipment and reflection on the effort people have put into the combat with the coronavirus, while the other side can include the virus itself and origins of the virus, the patients’ desires to live.
Present your work: take a photograph and write a description of what it represents and why.
Students asked to Students asked to create a digital message to the world, experimenting with digital video or animation making software of their choice iMovies, Powtoon, Pencil2D, Synfig, Autodesk Animator, etc.
Can be done ONLINE and in a classroom: Create a crazy, funny or any unusual online appearance in a style of an artist’s artwork - a hat a style of your choice.
Quick project tasks outline:
• Investigate the chosen artist’s style from the list: G. Klimt, P. Picasso, F. Hundertwasser, V. Van Gogh, S. Dali
• Develop a personal interpretation of the artist’s style in a form of a hat
• Take a photo of you wearing it and critically evaluate each other artwork, reflecting on the Elements of Art: form, shape, line, colour, space
“Act for impact”
In these challenging times, we want to hear a message of hope from our young people.
Students asked to deliver the most inspiring and creative message of hope they can of the Coronavirus fight.
Students can enter in any form: a video, mood board, poem, piece of art - whatever allows them to best express themselves!
This mini concept project is aimed to raise awareness of coral reefs dying.
It includes: the task description with the Statement of inquiry, Key Concepts, Related concepts, Global Context, ATL skills and student’s e-portfolio with each task outlined, covering Criteria A, B and C. Criterion D can be added, as necessary.
This project can also be used in Design Technology, adapted accordingly. The students explore 2 points perspective (Isometric projection), orthographic and digital representations.
As a final outcome, the students will create a visual 2D or 3D message that would help to preserve the coral reefs and inform people of the danger, making people/the audience to think of their own actions that have the consequences. The final 2D and 3D artwork could be a coral reef made from recycled and processed waste material, which can be set on the bottom of the sea to function as the basis for a new natural coral reef to form and housing for sea creatures.